Dr. Mohammad Amir Hossain Bhuiyan Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences
Dr. Bhuiyan is one of the pioneers in the field of environmental research in Bangladesh. His efforts are mostly highlighted in the fields of environmental pollution and public health concerns, anthropogenic stresses on earth, water resources management, climate change adaptation/mitigation and disaster management in Bangladesh. His contributions in assessment, monitoring and methodological development in inland and coastal environmental research are nationally and internationally praiseworthy. His research outcomes in water resources and fluvial disaster management are considered as guidelines to policy makers for future disaster management in Bangladesh. Dr. Bhuiyan's contributions in the morphological evolution of lower Brahmaputra-Jamuna River and its sediments' geochemical characterization are very important achievement for the Quaternary Planetary changes in the southern Himalayan region. Dr. Bhuiyan regularly focuses the recent climate change problems, water resources and environmental problems in the well-circulated Daily Newspapers in Bangladesh for public dissemination of knowledge and awareness building. Dr. Bhuiyan's efforts on integrating different methodologies/approaches for better, easier, understandable and comprehensive assessment of environmental problems encoursing to the international community. Dr. Bhuiyan has successfully applied Remote Sensing & GIS techniques to geochemistry for mapping geochemical contamination zones which will benefitted for safe management of surface water and groundwater resources in Bangladesh. Dr. Bhuiyan has been promoted as Professor at May, 2016. Throughout his career, Prof. Bhuiyan achieves the William Greenwood Award 1999 for his notable contribution on morphological evolution on Lower Ganges River (Padma) by the Association of Geoscientists for International Development (AGID), Brazil. Dr. Bhuiyan received “Geomorphologist Award” by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG), Melborne in 2009 for his outstanding contribution on morphological analysis and fluvial dynamics on the Lower Brahmaputra (Jamuna) River. During his PhD degree, Okayama University, Japan honored Dr. Bhuiyan the Academic Excellence Prize 2010 for his outstanding research acheivement in the Faculty of Frointier & Fundamental Sciences. For outstanding achevement in his research career and within the age limit of 40, Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS) and The World Academy of Science (TWAS), Italy awarded Dr. Bhuiyan “BAS-TWAS Young Scientists Prize & Gold Medal" in 2014. Prof. Bhuiyan is a proud owner of a big number of outstanding research articles in the international peer-reviewed journals. He is a professional member of many international societies such as Geological Society of America, Japan Geosciences Union, The Geochemical Society. Currently Prof. Bhuiyan supervising many M.Sc., Mphil, and Ph.D students. He is an Editor-in-Chief of the Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin. He is also working as a Editorial Board Member of an international journal "Hydrology: Current Research" published from USA. Dr. Bhuiyan is regularly reviewed many prestigious journals of Springer & Elsevier publishers. He as working as visiting scientist in the School of environmental science, JNU, Delhi, India from August 2015 to January 2016. Dr. Bhuiyan was the Chairman of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University from September 2016 to August 2019. Prof. Bhuiyan is working as a principal investigator of UGC-JSPS collaborating research project for Bangladesh and Japan since 2018. Besides, Prof. Bhuiyan is a stearing committee member of the "Alliance of Belt and Road Environmental Dean (ABRED,http://serd.ait.ac.th/2018/12/17/forum-of-belt-and-road-for-deans-of-environmental-schools/)" from 2018, which is one of the biggest environmental scientists association between China and other world.
Award, Prizes and Honour:
(1) “BAS-TWAS Young Scientists Prize & Gold Medal 2014” by The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Italy and the Bangladesh Academy of Science (BAS)
(2) Okayama University academic excellence Prize 2010 for outstanding research achievements
(3) “Young Geomorphologist Award 2009” by the International Association of Geomorphologists (IAG/AIG), Melborne, Australia
(4) “William Greenwood Award 1999” by the Association of Geoscientists for International Development (AGID), Brazil
Scholarship and Grants:
Okayama University Research Grants 2008, 2009 and 2010
Japanese Government MONBUKAGAKUSHO Scholarship 2007-2010 for Doctoral Course
Bangladesh University Grants Commission Research Grants 2005-2006, 2006-2007
Bangladesh University Grants Commission merit scholarship 2000
Bangladesh University Grants Commission merit scholarship 2003, 2004, 2005
Junior High School scholarship 1987 from Dhaka Education Board, Bangladesh
Elementary School scholarship 1984 from Comilla Education Board, Bangladesh
Professional Membership
- The Geochemical Society
- Geological Society of America
- Admonton Geological Society, Canada
- Japan Geosciences Union
- International Association of Geomorphologists (AIG/IAG)
- Bangladesh Geological Society
- Founder Treasurer- Bangladesh Society of Environmental Scientists
Climate change, Remote Sensing & GIS, Environmental Hazard and Disaster Management, Environmental pollution Management, EIA/EMS
Md. Abdullah , Fatin Idrak , Purnima Kabir , Mohammad Amir Hossain Bhuiyan, Suitability of rainwater harvesting in saline and arsenic affected areas of Bangladesh, Heliyon, 10, pp.e34328, 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e34328Suitability of rainwater harvesting
This study investigates the potentiality of Gladiolus hybrida
leaf fibers (GHLFs) as an eco-friendly reinforcing substance for polymer based composites.
Landuse, climate determinants and PM2.5 pollution
Eshita, N. R., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., & Saadat, A. H. M., Recent morphological shifting of Padma River: geoenvironmental and socioeconomic implications, Natural Hazards, 117, 1, pp.447–472, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-023-05867-5River bank erosion and socioeconomic impacts
Hassan, M. S., Bhuiyan, M. A. H., & Rahman, M. T., Sources, pattern, and possible health impacts of PM2.5 in the central region of Bangladesh using PMF, SOM, and machine learning techniques, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 8, December 2023, pp.100399, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscee.2023.100399Sources, pattern, and possible health impacts of PM2.5
Hassan, M.S.; Gomes, R.F.L.; Bhuiyan, M.A.H.; Rahman, M.T, Seasonal Distribution of AOT and Its Relationship with Air Pollutants in Central Bangladesh Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Tools, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 8, December 2023, pp.100399, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202303.0289.v1.AOT and its relationship with air pollutants
Hassan, Shareful & Bhuiyan, MAH, Spatiotemporal Mapping and Modeling Hotspot of PM2.5 in the Central part of Bangladesh, Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, 13, 1, 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.29150/jhrs.v13.1.p13-23Modeling Hotspot of PM2.5
Bhuiyan MAH, Karmaker SC, Saha BB, Nexus between potentially toxic elements’ accumulation and seasonal/anthropogenic influences on mangrove sediments and ecological risk in Sundarbans, Bangladesh: An approach from GIS, self-organizing map, conditional inference tree and random forest models., Environmental Pollution, 309, 15 September 2022, pp.119765, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2022.119765
Modeling of Ecological risk assessment in Sundarbans
M.A. Rakib, Quraishi S.B., Newaz MA , Sultana J, Bodrud-Doza M, Rahman MA, Patwary MA, Bhuiyan M.A.H., Groundwater quality and human health risk assessment in selected coastal and floodplain areas of Bangladesh, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 249, August 2022, pp.104041, 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2022.104041Groundwater contamination and public health risk
Hassan S , Bhuiyan MAH, Islam MT, Effects of Economic and Environmental Factors on Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Middle Parts of Bangladesh, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233, 04 August 2022, pp.328, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11270-022-05819-y
Economic and Environmental Factors of Particulate Matter
Hassan S , Bhuiyan MAH, Islam MT, Probable nexus between Methane and Air Pollution in Bangladesh using Machine Learning and Geographically Weighted Regression Modeling, Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, 11, 3, pp.136-145, 2021.Methane and Air Pollution
Bhuiyan, M.A.H, Karmaker, S.C., Bodrud-Doza, M., Rakib, M.A., Saha, B.B, Enrichment, Sources and Ecological Risk Mapping of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soils of Dhaka District Employing SOM, PMF and GIS Method, Chemosphere, 263, January 2021, pp.128339, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128339Ecological Risk Mapping
Bhuiyan, MAH, Rahman, MH, Uddin, MA, Chowdhury M. A. Z., Rahman, M.A, Saha, BB, Islam S. M.D-U, Contamination of pond and canal water by residues of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides in Feni district, Bangladesh, Environmental Sustainability, 4, 04 March 2021, pp.191–197, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42398-021-00161-1Contamination of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides
Hassan, M.S., Bhuiyan, M.A.H., Tareq, F. et al., Relationship between COVID-19 infection rates and air pollution, geo-meteorological, and social parameters, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment volume, 193, 29, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-020-08810-4
Relationship between COVID-19 infection rates and air pollution
Bhuiyan, M.A.H., Bodrud-Doza, M., Rakib, M.A., Saha, BB, Appraisal of pollution scenario, sources and public health risk of harmful metals in mine water of Barapukuria coal mine industry in Bangladesh, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, May 2021, pp.22105–22122, doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-11999-z
Coal mine drainage water and health risk
Bodrud-Doza, M., Islam, SMD, Rume, T., Quraishi, SB., Rahman, SM., Bhuiyan, MAH, Groundwater quality and human health risk assessment for safe and sustainable water supply of Dhaka City dwellers in Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 10, April 2020, pp.100374, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2020.100374
Groundwater pollution & Health Risk
Rakib M.A., Sasaki J., Matsuda H., Quraishi SB, Mahmud MJ, Bodrud-Doza M., Ullah A.K.M. A., Fatema KJ, Newaz MA., Bhuiyan M.A.H., Groundwater salinization and associated co-contamination risk increase severe drinking water vulnerabilities in the southwestern coast of Bangladesh, Chemosphere, 246, May 2020, pp.125646, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125646
Groundwater salinization and associated co-contamination risk
Gausul Azam, Mohammad Emadul Huda, Mohammad Amir Hossain Bhuiyan, Mohammad Mohinuzzaman, Md. Bodrud-Doza & S. M. Didar-Ul Islam, Climate Change and Natural Hazards Vulnerability of Char Land (Bar Land) Communities of Bangladesh: Application of the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), Global Social Welfare, 8, 15 February 2019, pp.93–105, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40609-019-00148-1Climate and Natural Hazard
Rakib M. A., Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2014). Arsenic contamination: Food toxicity and local perceptation. International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Sciences 2(1), 1-7. DOI. Org/10.12983/ijsres-2014-p001-0007.,
Environmental Pollution & Social Impact
Md.Bodrud-Doza, Bhuiyan M.A.H., .M.Didar-Ul Islam, Shamshad B.Quraishi, Md.Iftakharul Muhib, M.A.Rakib, M. Safiur Rahman, Delineation of trace metals contamination in groundwater using geostatistical techniques: A study on Dhaka City of Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 9, pp.100212, 2019. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2019.03.006Groundwater and Geostatics
Rakib M. A., Akter M. S., Hossain M.B., Rahman M.A., Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2015). Flooding Hazards and Mental Perception: A Theoretical Framework, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 5(2), 2320-0227. DOI. .JSRR.2015.081,
Flood & Disaster
Bodrud-Doza, M., Bhuiyan, MAH, S.M. Islam, SMD, Rahman, SM., Haque, MM, Fatema, KJ., Ahmed, N., Rakib, MA, Rahman, MA, Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater in Dhaka City of Bangladesh using GIS and multivariate statistical techniques, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 9, pp.226-244, 2019. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsd.2018.11.008Hydrogeochemistry and geospatioal assessment
Islam, S.M.D, Bhuiyan, MAH, Ramanatan, AL (2015). Climate change impacts and vulnerability assessment in coastal region of Bangladesh: A case study on Shyamnagar upazila of Satkhira district. Journal of Climate Change, 01, 37-45. DOI. 10.3233/JCC-150003,
Climate change & coastal
Rakib M.A.,, Sasaki J., Pal S., Newaz M. A., Bodrud-Doza M., Bhuiyan M.A.H., An investigation of coastal vulnerability and internal consistency of local perceptions under climate change risk in the southwest part of Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Management, 231, pp.419-428, 2019. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.10.054Climate change risk & coastal vulnerability
Bhuiyan MAH, Islam SMD., Azam G., Exploring impacts and livelihood vulnerability of riverbank erosion hazard among rural household along the river Padma of Bangladesh, Environmental System Res earch, 6, 25, 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40068-017-0102-9 Climate and riverbank erosion
Hossain G.M., Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2016). Spatial and temporal variations of organic matter contents and potential sediment nutrient index in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20(1):163-174. DOI 10.1007/s12205-015-03,
Coastal Biogeochemistry
Flood vulnerability, local perception and gender role judgment using multivariate analysis: A problem-based participatory action to Future Skill Management to cope with flood impacts, Weather and Climate Extremes (2017),Climate, flood and vulneability
Chowdhury M.A.I., Bhuiyan M.A.H., M.M. Kabir (2015). Assessment of river encroachment and land- use patterns in Dhaka city and its peripheral rivers using GIS techniques. International Journal of Geometrics and Geosciences, 6(2), 1556- 1567.,Watershed & Floodplain Management
Exploring impacts and livelihood vulnerability of riverbank erosion hazard among rural household along the river Padma of Bangladesh,River bank erosion, Hazard and Disaster
Islam M.D., Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2016). Impact scenarios of shrimp farming in coastal region of Bangladesh: An approach of an ecological model for sustainable management. Aquaculture International. 24:1163?1190. DOI: 10.1007/s10499-016-9978-z.,Coastal Environment & Sustainability
Groundwater salinization and associated co-contamination risk increase severe drinking water vulnerabilities in the southwestern coast of Bangladesh. Chemosphere 2020,Salinity,co-contamination, public health risk
Bhuiyan MAH, Bodrud-Doza M, Islam A. R. M.T, Rakib M. A., Rahman M.S., Ramanathan. A. L. (2016). Assessment of groundwater quality of Lakshimpur district of Bangladesh using water quality indices, geostatistical methods and multivariate analysis. Environ,Geostatics & Environmental Pollution
Climate Change and Natural Hazards Vulnerability of Char Land (Bar Land) Communities of Bangladesh: Application of the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI), Global Social Welfare.,Climate Change, Hazards in Char Land
Bodrud-Doza M., Ahmed F., Asikunnaby, Hosain M. A., Rakib M.A., Bhuiyan M.A.H., Rahman M.S. (2016). Geospatial Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Savar Upazila, Bangladesh,Climate change & GIS
Delineation of trace metals contamination in groundwater using geostatistical techniques: A study on Dhaka City of Bangladesh, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Available online 18 March 2019,Groundwater pollution and Geostatistical Model
Islam, S.M.D., Bhuiyan, M.A.H., Rume, T., Mohinuzzaman, M. (2016). Assessing Heavy Metal Contamination in the Bottom Sediments of Shitalakhya River, Bangladesh; Using Pollution Evaluation Indices and Geo-spatial Analysis. Pollution, 2(3): 299-312, DOI: 10,Environmental Pollution
An investigation of coastal vulnerability and internal consistency of local perceptions under climate change risk in the southwest part of Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Management, 231, 419428,Climate change and coastal risk
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Islam M.A. ., Suzuki S. (2015). Source apportionment and pollution evaluation of heavy metals in water and sediments of Buriganga River. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 187: 4075-4096. DOI 10.1007/s10661-014-4075-0. Springer Publ,Environmental pollution
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Takashi K, Suzuki S. (2014). Application of remote sensing and GIS for evaluation of the recent morphological characteristics of the lower Brahmaputra?Jamuna River, Bangladesh. Earth Science Informatics. DOI 10.1007/s12145-014-0180-4. Spr,GIS/RS and Water Resources management
Hossain G. M., Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2015). Spatial and temporal variations of organic matter contents and potential sediment nutrient index in the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering. DOI: 10.1007/s12205-015-0333-0,Biogeochemistry and mangroves
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Ganyaglo S.Y., Suzuki S. (2014). Reconnaisance of the suitability of groundwater quality for irrigation in northwestern Bangladesh, Applied water Science. DOI 10.1007/s13201-014-0184-8.. Springer Publisher.,Irrigation water quality
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Rakib M.A., Dampare S. B., Suzuki, S., (2011). Surface water quality assessment in the central part of Bangladesh. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 15(6): 995-1003. DOI 10.1007/s12205-011-1079-y. Springer Publisher, Impact Factor: 0.511,Water quality group
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Islam M.A., Dampare S.B., Parvez L., Suzuki S. (2010). Evaluation of hazardous metal pollution in irrigation and drinking water systems in the vicinity of a coal mine area of northwestern Bangladesh, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 179 (1-,Environmental pollution and toxicology
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Parvez L., Islam M.A., Dampare S.B., Suzuki S. (2010). Heavy metal pollution of coal mine-affected agricultural soils in the northern part of Bangladesh, Journal of Hazardous Materials 173 (1-3), 384– 392. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.08.08,Environmental pollution and toxicology
Ganyaglo S.Y., Banoeng-Yakubo B., Osae S., Dampare S. B., Fianko J. R., Bhuiyan M.A.H., 2010, Hydrochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Groundwater in the Eastern Region of Ghana, J. Water Resource and Protection, 2 (3), 101 –110.,Water quality
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Rakib M.A., Kumamoto T., Rahman M.J.J., Suzuki S., 2010, Regulation of Brahmaputra-Jamuna River around Jamuna bridge, Bangladesh: Geoenvironmental impacts, J. Water Resource and Protection, 2 (2), 123-130. ,Geomorphology and water resources group
Rakib M. A., Huda M. E., Hossain S. M., Naher K., Khan R, Sultana M. S., Akter M. S., Bhuiyan M A. H., Patwary M A (2013). Arsenic Content in Inactive Tissue: Human Hair and Nail, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, 2(2): 522-535, 2013; Article no. ,Environental pollution and toxicology
Rakib M. A., Akter M.S., Hossain M.B., Rahman M.A., Bhuiyan M. A. H., 2015, Flooding Hazards and Mental Perception: A Theoretical Framework. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 5(2): Article no. JSRR.2015.081, ISSN: 2320-0227,Flood and water resources group
Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2014). Fluvial scours and their genesis interpretation in the Jamuna River: A hydrodynamic and climate change aspects. Jahangirnagar University Environmental Bulletin, 3, 48-54.,Water resources
Rakib M.A., Rahman M.A., Akter M.S., Bhuiyan M.A.H., (2014). Climate change: farmers perception and agricultural activities, Herald Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 3(3), pp. 115 ? 123,Climate change: farmers perception
Bhuiyan MAH, Islam SMD., Azam G., (2017) Exploring impacts and livelihood vulnerability of riverbank erosion hazard among rural household along the river Padma of Bangladesh, Environ Syst Res 6:25 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40068-017-0102-9,livelihood vulnerability of riverbank erosion
Rakib M.A., Islam S. , Nikolaos I , Bodrud-Doza M, Bhuiyan M A.H., Flood vulnerability, local perception and gender role judgment using multivariate analysis: A problem-based participatory action to Future Skill Management to cope with flood impacts, Weather and Climate Extremes (2017), https://doi.org/ 10.1016/j.wace.2017.10.002,Rakib M.A., Rahman M.A., Akter M.S., Bhuiyan M.A.H., (2014). Climate change: farmers perception and agricultural activities, Herald Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 3(3), pp. 115 123,
Bhuiyan M.A.H, Rahman M.J.J., Dampare S. B., Suzuki S. (2011). Provenance, tectonics and source weathering of modern fluvial sediments of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh: Inference from geochemistry. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 111 (3), 11,Environmental Geocheistry group
Bhuiyan M.A.H, Rahman M.J.J., Dampare S. B., Suzuki S. (2010). Geochemistry of fluvial sediments of Brahmaputra-Jamuna River, Bangladesh: Constraints on tectonic, provenance and weathering, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (12), 86A, 4187–4604. (Short,Geochemistry
Bhuiyan M.A.H., Suruvi, N.I., Islam M.A., Dampare S.B., Parvez L., Suzuki S. (2011). Investigation of the possible sources of heavy metal contamination in lagoon and canal water in the tannery industrial area in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Environmental Monitorin,Environmental pollution and toxicology
M.A. Hosain, M. Bodrud-Doza, F. Ahmed, M.S. Zoarddar, Bhuiyan M.A.H. (2015). Geo-spatial assessment of temporal variation of greenhouse gases emission using GIS in Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences,,GHG & Climate Change
Academic Info
Period: 1990
Period: 1992
Period: 1992-1996
Period: 2001-2002
Period: 2007-2010
Environmental Hazard and Disaster
Position: Visiting Research Scientist
Period: 2018-Present
Position: Visiting Scientist (Indian Govt Fellowship)
Period: August 2015-January 2016
Position: PhD researcher
Period: September 2007-September 2010
Position: Professor
Period: 18 May, 2016- present
Position: Associate Professor
Period: 11 Mar, 2012- 18 May, 2016
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: Feb 2008-Mar 2012
Position: Lecturer
Period: Nov 2004- Jna 31 2008
Position: Assistant Manager (Geophysics)
Period: Oct 12, 2002-Nov 2, 2004
Position: Local Assistant (LA)
Period: April 2000-April 2001
Position: Researcher collaborator since 2018
Period: 2018-2021
Position: Research collaborator since
Period: 2018
Dr. Mohammad Amir Hossain Bhuiyan
Department of Environmental Sciences
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 8801914910202
Work Phone: 88027791040/1370
Email: amir@juniv.edu
, amirhossain75@gmail.com